Posted here are photos I have taken since I picked up photography. Initially, majority of the pictures are shot on film and scanned to digital. The rest, were taken with my trusty 2 megapixel camera. Now, with the new acquisition of KMD5D, the more recent photos are taken digitally. [Update] Though long overdue, nowadays digital photos are taken with my Sony Alpha900.
I am on the lookout of more and different opportunities to take photos. Things like: wedding, camps, event coverages, portraits, studio, makeover... and the list goes on and on. If you have any to offer or to advice on, feel free to email me. My email address is at the bottom of the page.
My take on Photography
哇!你这时不会还醒着吧?^^ 我赞同你说的:时间宝贵,把握时间;所谓“要活出生命的深度,而不是长度”嘛。无奈我只是个庸俗又贪心的凡夫俗子,所以我仍然祈求“长命百岁”;因为生命天天有惊喜啊!实在舍不得。。。
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