/* */ Iceberg's Photoblog.: Product Shoot #2

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Product Shoot #2

Another product shoot.
I just got this watch yesterday. It suddenly struck me today, since it's a Sunday, why not do a product shoot on this watch?

I'm not affiliated to Casio in any way at the time of shoot and posting of this photo =). It's purely for personal satisfaction and leisure.

Here it goes. It was done pretty last minute, post processing was at a minimum too as I'm rushing to go out but can't wait to upload the photos! Was quite please with the time spent and results. Of coz, there are several details like the hand blocking the brand name, some unwanted reflection, but for the time spent, I think the results are pretty encouraging. I didn't want to spend time on the little details for this brief shoot. Feel free to comment away =)

I did some post processing. What do you think of this version? I like this one better. Am very tempted to email this to Casio and see whether they are willing to pay for this picture :p



Blogger Cookie Monster said...

ahhh... finally u got urself a watch...=p

3:20 AM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger Max said...

finally, it's a Casio u got.

i think the lighting is nice, shows some 'cold' effect. but the 'pose' of last 2 photos not good enough.

1:24 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

yep.. got this casio.. after I reduced my budget for buying watch..

i also think the last two can be improved on.. but don't have much time to try.. prob will do so again when got time...

5:34 PM, July 25, 2006  
Blogger dingying said...

make the watch stand! pretty cliche but it works! =)

1:27 PM, July 26, 2006  
Blogger Unknown said...

yeah auntie.. i also want to shoot it standing.. i tried to make it stand.. but it won't stand nicely.. made some DIY stands in 2 min.. but doesn't work very well too.. lol

8:49 AM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger w in d~ said...

Herrow. Usually for watch/clock shots, it's standard to have the hands point at 10:10. As for the "second" hand, I forgot where it is supposed to go. Heh.

9:06 PM, August 18, 2006  

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